Variability of the syllable-final l in the texts of Slovakia Hungarian Dialectal Talking Book




syllable-final l, Bihalbocs, Slovakia Hungarian Dialectal Talking Book, regional dialectal texts, maps of dialectal phenomena


With the help of the dialectological software Bihalbocs, regional dialect texts combined with sound were published under the title Hungarian Dialectal Talking Book. The collection, which has become a series, currently comprises 16 parts. The advantage of the software is that the texts are linked to the audio files, i.e. it synchronizes them to the millisecond. By clicking anywhere in the text, we can listen to the dialect data and any part of the text at any time, without having to look up the original file and search for the desired part. This technique was used to create the Slovakia Hungarian Dialectal Talking Book I-III. which publishes dialect texts from the 3 main areas of Hungarian dialect regions extending into Slovakia (the Central Transdanubian – Little Hungarian Plain dialect, the Palóc dialect and the Northeastern dialect). The paper firstly recounts the design and creation of this multimedia database, followed by a brief description of certain parts as well as the structure of the audiobooks. The next part of the study discusses the mapping possibilities based on the quantitative analysis of the audiobooks. Such computational dialectological studies tend to employ two different methods: firstly, using the automated search function without any prior grouping by the researchers, and secondly, using the search function once the data is annotated. Computational methods not only reduce the amount of effort required but also provide plenty of opportunities for more granulated dialectological analyses. The quantitative methods applied concentrate on the distribution of certain phenomena affecting the system, prevalence, and realization of phonemes. The paper describes the regional characteristics for each of these phenomena based on data from the audiobooks. The study analyzes the presence, omission, and reduction of syllable-final l in 34 dialect texts at 27 research points, depending on the phonological situation and the duration of the vowel before l. This paper presents the maps created with the Bihalbocs program to illustrate the regional variability of syllable-final l based on the analyzed regional Hungarian dialect texts in Slovakia.

Author Biography

Károly PRESINSZKY, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra

PhD., Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Central European Studies, Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Literary Science, assistant professor, Slovakia


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