Grammatical phenomena of language contact in the language use of Hungarians living in the Transylvanian Plain (Mezőség)
language contact, bilingualism, diaspora, grammatical contact phenomenon, plurals, double negation, suffix borrowingAbstract
The paper discusses the grammatical aspects of language contact in the language use of Hungarian communities in the Transylvanian Plain on the basis of living language data. The database has been created as part of a larger, more extensive research in the course of which the language shift processes of the Hungarian-Romanian bilingual speakers living in the diasporic communities of the Transylvanian Plain are being analysed and which has been continuously increased in the past three years. The research has been carried out by narrative interviews recorded in nine communities by now, with native Hungarian speakers of different ages who also speak Romanian to a certain extent. These communities have provided a varied field for bilingual researches from a demographical point of view but in terms of linguistic environment and the extent of bilingualism as well. Up to now the language contact researches have mainly been directed towards lexical and phonetical aspects, and for a while they have been extended to semantical aspects too, but as far as grammatical contact phenomena are concerned, we have quite few results at the moment. On basis of the data presented in the paper the analysed phenomena can be explained in certain cases with the influence of the dominant second language, respectively the Romanian, or with the uncertainty rising from the running of two language systems at the same time. The phenomena occuring most often as results of the Romanian language effect are the syntactical phenomena and those regarding word order, the use of plurals in a different way from the standard use, suffix confusions, suffix borrowings, redundancy and missing elements. Redundancy phenomena contain the use of unnecessary articles, special double negation, redundancy of negative particles, missing elements mean the lack of the modal verb in conditional structures. In certain cases, for example at the phenomenon of suffix borrowing, the parallel structures can be found in Romanian as well, so this can be considered language contact phenomenon, just like the lack of modal verbs in conditional structures. Other phenomena, such as the specific SVO word order characteristic of the Romanian language, or specific use of plurals are viewed as relative language contact phenomena, as these can be observed in the language use of monolingual Hungarian speakers too, though more rarely than in the language use of bilinguals. In order to completely understand the processes of language contacts further researches of the grammatical contact phenomena are needed.
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