István Kótyuk and the Hungarian dialects of Transcarpathia
dialect, phonetics, plant names, textbooks, professor, István KótyukAbstract
István Kótyuk is known as a versatile scholar in Transcarpathia and beyond the borders of his homeland. He is known to dialectologists primarily as a researcher of the Ung-Vidék dialect and of Ukrainian vocabulary, to lexicographers as a researcher of the Ukrainian-Hungarian and Hungarian-Ukrainian dictionary database edited by István Udvari, and to literary scholars as a literary translator. István Kótyuk is known among Transcarpathian Hungarians primarily as a textbook writer. We would like to talk about István Kótyuk as a dialectologist and Transcarpathian representative of applied dialectology. István Kótyuk published his first studies in various university publications and conference proceedings in Uzhhorod, and in 1974 he defended his thesis on Ukrainian dialects of the lower Ung River in Hungarian dialects. At the time, it was not possible to publish the thesis in print, and the few copies of the typed manuscript were difficult for specialists to access. It was well known that István Kótyuk was very fond of plants, especially flowers. He was not only interested in the care of plants, but also in their names. István Kótyuk took part in the linguistic-geographical research and landscape collections of the Hungarian Department in Uzhhorod. In addition to his work on dialect research, István Kótyuk also played a significant role in the practical application of the Hungarian language, in the implementation of the reform of mother tongue teaching and in the development of the theoretical background. As the leader of the working group that developed the Hungarian language curriculum in 2005, he considered it important to emphasise the issue of dialects and local language varieties. István Kótyuk has combined the traditions of classical dialectology with the main goals of applied dialectology in the study of dialects in Transcarpathian Hungarian: the results of his scientific research have been widely disseminated and used in practice through his textbooks. Independently of the official guides, he conveyed an objective, rational approach to non-standard varieties in the manuals he wrote, thus increasing the prestige of local language varieties.
Kótyuk István 1965 = Ковтюк, С. И. 1965. Slavianskye zaymstvovanyia v bыtovoi leksyke venherskoho hovora Uzhhorodskoho raiona. [Slavic borrowings in everyday vocabulary of the Hungarian dialect of the Uzhgorod region]. In: Tezy dopovidei ta povidomlennia do XIX naukovoi konferentsii profesorsko-vykladatskoho skladu. Romano-hermanska ta uhorska filolohiia. Uzhhorod. 73–77.
Kótyuk István 1969 = Ковтюк, С. И. 1969. Slavianyzme v venherskom hovore s. Ratovtse Uzhhorodskoho raiona. [Slavism in the Vennerian Novor p. Ratovce Yuzhnorodskoho district]. In: Vsesoiuznaia konferenyia po fynno-uhrovedenyiu (Tezyse dokladov y soobshchenyia). Joskar-Ola. 40–42.
Kótyuk István 1970 = Ковтюк, С. И. 1970. Spriazhenye hlahola v venherskykh hovorakh nyzovia reky Uzh. [Verb conjugation in the Hungarian dialects of the lower Uzh river]. In: Sloviansko-uhorski mizhmovni ta literaturni zviazky. Naukovo-tematychnyi zbirnyk. Uzhhorod. 89–98.
Kótyuk István 1972 = Ковтюк, С. И. 1972. Ukraynyzmi v venherskom hovore nyzovia reky Uzh Zakarpatskoi oblasty (leksyka, sviazannaia s nazvanyiamy fyzycheskykh y psykhycheskykh osobennostei cheloveka). [Ukrainianisms in the Hungarian dialect of the lower reaches of the Uzh River in the Transcarpathian region (lexicon associated with the names of the physical and mental characteristics of a person) ]. In: Voprosi sovetskoho fynno-uhrovedenyia. Yazikoznanye. Saransk. 115–116.
Kótyuk István 1973 = Ковтюк, С. И. 1973. Ukraynyzmi v venherskom hovore nyzovia reky Uzh Zakarpatskoi oblasty Ukraynskoi SSR. [Dyssertatsyia na soyskanye uchenoi stepeny kandydata fylolohycheskykh nauk. Ukrainisms in the Hungarian Dialect of the Lower Uzh River in the Transcarpathian Region of the Ukrainian SSR. Thesis for the degree of candidate of philological sciences]. Uzhhorod.
Kótyuk István 2007a = Ковтюк, Иштван 2007. Ukraynskye zaymstvovanyia v uzhanskom venherskom hovore. [Ukrainian loanwords in Uzhansk Hungarian]. Szerkesztette és az előszót írta Zoltán András. Nyíregyháza: Nyíregyházi Főiskola Ukrán és Ruszin Tanszéke.
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Kótyuk István 1979. Az ungi nyelvjárás névszótőrendszere. [The Ungi dialect pronunciation system].Magyar Nyelvjárások 22: 27–37.
Kótyuk István 1990a. A zárt í-zés az ungi nyelvjárásban. [The closed í-ing in the Ungi dialect]. In: Jakab László – Keresztes László – Kiss Antal – Maticsák Sándor szerk., Congressus septimus internationalis fenno-ugristarum. 3A. Sessiones sectionum dissertationes. Linguistica. Debrecen. 267–271.
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Kótyuk István 1993b. Az ö-zés esetei az ungi nyelvjárásban. [Cases of ö-ing in the Ungi dialect]. In: Magyarok külföldön, külföldiek Magyarországon III. Budapest–Szeged: Nemzetközi Magyar Filológiai Társaság–Sciptrum Kft. 1339–1342.
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Kótyuk István 1997. A ráti nyelvjárás helyhatározószó-rendszere. [Locative word order in the Ratian dialect].Acta Hungarica 6: 20–26.
Kótyuk István 1998. Az ungi nyelvjárás igeragozási rendszere. [The verb conjugation system of the Ungi dialect]. In: Szabó Géza – Molnár Zoltán szerk. III. Dialektológiai Szimpozion. Szombathely: A Berzsenyi Dániel Tanárképző Főiskola Magyar Nyelvészeti Tanszékének Kiadványai II. 301–306.
Kótyuk István 2001. A lakóház és a porta a századközi Ráton. [The house and the courtyard in mid-century Ráton]. Acta Beregsasiensis 2: 119–126.
Kótyuk István 2004. Az ige ragozásrendszere az ungi nyelvjárásban. [Verb conjugation in the Ungi dialect]. In: Beregszászi Anikó – Csernicskó István szerk. Tanulmányok a kárpátaljai magyar nyelvhasználatról. Ungvár: PoliPrint. 11–19.
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