The linguistic landscape of festival tourism in Transcarpathia




Transcarpathia, linguistic landscape, tourism, festival, language use


In addition to natural, historical and cultural attractions, there are an increasing number of places in Transcarpathia where tourists can enjoy organised programmes. In the big cities and smaller towns, festivals and festival-like events take place from the second half of January until mid-December. The area inhabited by Hungarians also organises a significant number of festivals and festival-like events every year. Many of these are known throughout Ukraine and even more widely. Among the festivals in the region, folk art and folklore festivals are the most popular, while gastronomic festivals are in the second position. Gastronomic festivals (especially wine festivals) have become an increasingly important part of festival tourism in Transcarpathia, attracting a significant number of domestic visitors. In our study, we tried to investigate the linguistic landscape of gastronomic festivals, focusing on the two most famous Hungarian festivals (Mezőgecse international pig festival, Berehovo international wine festival) and the most popular festival in Mukachevo, the Mukachevo red wine festival. The research is mainly conducted through personal participant observation and photo-documentation, however, photos and information about the festivals published in the press, on the website of the organising municipality and other online community platforms were also analysed. In the linguistic landscape of the festivals in Transcarpathia, including international festivals, no other language is present apart from the state language or the mother tongue of the Hungarian minority living in the area. Even in the festivals of Hungarian settlements, bilingual signs and the slight dominance of Ukrainian in the symbolic linguistic space are typical. The proportion of languages also depends on the target audience and the needs of the festival, as well as on the area of the festival depending on the ethnicity of Transcarpathia.

Author Biographies

Zoltán Karmacsi, Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education

PhD. Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Department of Philology, Associate Professor

Enikő Sass, Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education

PhD. Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Department of Geography and Tourism, Associate Professor


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