The characteristics of language usage and attitudes of students of higher education institutions in Transcarpathia based on the partial results of two surveys




Transcarpathia, college students, loanwords, state language effect, language attitude


A positive attitude towards the mother tongue and the language variety is essential for confident language use. The way we perceive the language of the community where we live, or of other communities, is largely influenced by our knowledge and experience of the language, by the opinions of others, and of course by stereotypes. Education can do the most to overcome these, to develop an objective, confident linguistic awareness and self-awareness, by conveying a scientifically based approach at all levels. In our study, we analyse the partial results of two empirical researches conducted among the students of the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College in recent years, which investigate the state language effect in the register of Transcarpathian Hungarian higher education, the interchange of words related to the topic of education and their relationship to the local language variety. The results of our research have shown that, despite the dominance of Hungarian, the language use of students in Transcarpathian Hungarian higher education is characterised by the presence of Ukrainian and Russian language influences, and that most of these are consciously present in their language use. The Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College considers it important to develop this positive attitude not only in its Hungarian studies, but also in all its training programmes. The presented results show that the group under study has a balancing-functional-segregating attitude towards different languages and language varieties: they are not closed to this variety, they are aware of its functions and importance. They are not excluded from the lower-prestige variety because of previous unpleasant experiences: they express a scientifically well-founded opinion in the survey. Although emotional attachment is also strongly expressed. But we also know that in minority contexts this can play a significant language-preserving role.

Author Biographies

Katalin Dudics Lakatos, II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola

PhD, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Department of Philology, Associate Professor

Vilmos Gazdag, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education

PhD, Associate Professor. Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Department of Philology


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