Semantic and syntactic potential of syncretic subjunctive-sequential conjunctions (on the material of V. Shevchuk’s novels)




subordinate-coordinate conjunctions, explanatory-distinctive, accented-distinctive, explanatory-exploratory, temporal-comparative, conditional-comparative, permissive-opposite, novels of Valery Shevchuk


The article is devoted to the analysis of the semantic and syntactic potential of syncretic conjunctions of subordinate-coordinate in the idiostyle of Valery Shevchuk.

The specifics of the syncretism of connecting means were studied on the material of the novels «House on the Mountain», «On the Humble Field», «Eye of the Abyss», «The Beginning of Horror», «The Ghost of the Dead House», «Three Leaves Outside the Window». L. V. Shytyk’s classification of syncretic connectives, developed on the basis of K. G. Horodenska’s typology of conоjuctions, became important for our research.

The functional potential of highlighted conjunctions of subordination-sequential as markers of semantic-syntactic relations in syncretic complex sentences was investigated. Are characterized the salient features of such semantic categories of the analyzed conjunctions as: explanatory-distinctive, accented-distinctive, explanatory-exploratory, temporal-comparative, conditional-comparative, permissive-opposite.

Types of conjunctions are correlated with two types of syncretic complex sentences: subordinate in form and coordinate in meaning (explanatory and comparative subtypes) and subordinate-sequential in form and meaning (permissive-opposite subtype). Analogous semantic-syntactic relations for parceled constructions have been clarified. In the syntactic version of a simple complex sentence, the analyzed conjunctions are interpreted as markers of the separation of the secondary sentence elements and the homogeneity of the connection between the elements of the sentence. Grammatical and semantic-syntactic features of the author’s style within the boundaries of the researched topic are determined.

Examples from the writer’s works confirmed the active functioning of each of the subgroups of subordination-sequential conjunctions and the peculiarities of their semantic and syntactic manifestation. Among the explanatory-distinctive conjunctions, the most actively used is – зокрема, among the accented-distinctive ones – особливо, within the explanatory-finding ones – а саме, temporal-comparative, conditional-comparative – тоді як, коли …то, permissive-opposite – хай …але, хоч …але. Quantitative indicators of the frequency of use of each сonnective mean were determined. The subgroup of accented-distinctive conjunctions is the least represented in the novels of V. Shevchuk, the group of permissive-opposite ones is the most numerous.

Author Biography

Nataliya Maslyuk, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University

graduate student of the Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics of Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University


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