Some of Sándor Petőfi's poems from a student's point of view Mosaics from the research of students' analyses of art


  • István H. Tóth Charles University



content-centered versus reception-centered literature teaching, poetic text, historical and aesthetic views of literature, author/creator attitude, use of literary and art theoretical concepts, technical terminology, technical vocabulary, paragraph, complete sentence, sentence unit, structure and style analysis


Curricula come, curricula go, and they bring in their wake outdated, then updated, or even new textbooks from time to time, in the name of reforms or a modern perspective. Meanwhile, the quiet, or more intense debate swings back and forth, again and again between the work-centered or reception-centered literature teaching approaches. This paper contributes to this discourse while shedding light on the intersection of what can be called a pair of opposing concepts at the center of the debate, when the degrees of understanding a work of literature and the student's confrontation with poetical works as lyrical subjects become the organizing principle in the world of a literature class. This professional-pedagogical reflection is supported by a presentation of facts, data, and correlations of the analytical work of twenty 7th grade students from Kelebia in southern Hungary, in order to assist the teaching and learning of literature as a subject.

Author Biography

István H. Tóth , Charles University

Candidate of Sciences (CSc) Associate Professor Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague; Coventry House School of Languages - NovoSchool, Budapest


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