The poet of the Lowland in Transcarpathia Thoughts regarding the Petőfi’ commemorative year
Petőfi, literature, reception, poetry, road noteAbstract
The Hungarian government has declared 2022 and 2023 to be Petőfi commemorative years. The 200th anniversary of the poet’s birth offers an opportunity for 20th-century men to reconsider, interpret, and evaluate the events of the poet's era.
Exhibitions, competitions, performances, artistic contests, etc. announced on the occasion of the jubilee, create a good opportunity for the poet's spirituality to come into the consciousness of the communities in a modern guise.
Sándor Petőfi appears on many platforms. Primarily, the 2023 issues of literary magazines tried to present the widest possible picture of Petőfi to the reader. The published writings, articles, studies, revolve around the poet's oeuvre, providing analysis attempts in different light. Sándor Petőfi is always at the center of Hungarian literature. Writers and literary historians touch upon his oeuvre again and again and reinterpret Petőfi’s work and life.
The great poet of the Hungarian nation can also be linked to Transcarpathia. In 1847, he traveled to Erdőd to visit his bride, and in the meantime, he also visited our region. During the trip, he took every opportunity to indulge in his love of nature. He also visited four Transcarpathian settlements. We can read about his journeys, including the settlements in our region, in Szabolcs Osztovits' book. He visited Ungvár, Munkács, Beregszász and Badalo. He documented what he saw and experienced. Posterity can obtain information about these roads mainly from his letters and travel maps. Based on his travel notes, we examine and present the poet's journey in our region.
Sándor Petőfi plays a significant role not only in literature but also in the heart of the community. His place in literature is to be among the best of all. For posterity, he is remembered as a young and revolutionary poet. It is important to mention that his name is known not only by Hungarian communities. The outstanding figure of our literature can also be found in Ruthenian and Ukrainian literature.
With this work, we do not aim to present and summarize the new scientific results to the Reader in its entirety. It would be an impossible undertaking. With this study, I would like to commemorate our poet in connection with the Petőfi jubilee, emphasizing his connection to our region.
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