Units of measurement in "Materials for the dictionary of the Podolian dialect": features of the nomination
nomination, names of measurement units, lexical-semantic group, etymology, Podolian dialectAbstract
The article is devoted to a little-researched thematic group of the vocabulary of the Ukrainian language - names of units of measurement. A detailed analysis of the history of the study of this vocabulary in Ukrainian studies allowed the author to state that the area of Ukrainian dialectological studies of this thematic group of vocabulary is quite narrow, even contrary to the heuristic value of this vocabulary. Therefore, the subject of the study were the names of the units of measurement in the Podolian dialect fixed in the "Materials for the Dictionary of the Podolian dialect" - 58 names extracted by the continuous sampling method. The work on compiling the Dictionary began in the 1950s, and therefore we assumed that it would contain names of units of measurement that are already archaic today. The analysis of the names of the units of measurement in the Podоlian dialects testified that the thematic vocabulary group under study presents a lexical-semantic microsystem that is extensive in number, rich in variability and ancient in origin. In the article the structural organization of attested names was modeled, it is established that the thematic vocabulary group "Names of units of measurement" is formed on the basis of 6 lexical-semantic groups: 1) names of units of measurement of area, 2) names of units of measurement of liquids, 3) names of units of measurement of length and distance , 4) names of units of measurement of weight, 5) names of units of measurement of bulk bodies, 6) names of units of measurement of grains. Each group was analyzed for the specifics of the nomination of the respective names, names with transparent and obscured motivation, borrowed names were established. According to the leading agricultural type of activity of the Podolians, the group of names of units of measurement of the area turned out to be the most numerous. Exactly in this group the largest number of borrowed names is attested. Among them there are many borrowings from German, Polish, Latin, Romanian, Turkic, etc. The activity of the principle of anthropocentrism in the nomination of measurement units was observed. It was found that the modern Podolian dialects still preserve the archaic names of units of measurement, which help to ostend the etymology of a number of lexemes of the corresponding thematic group in the Ukrainian literary language.
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