Your destiny is in your name – reflection of trends in globalisation and local identity in the Christian names of primary school pupils in the Abaúj micro-region




name-giving, Christian name, globalization, local identity, religious name, mother tongue pedagogy


The purpose of the study is twofold: on the one hand, it examines the expression of trends in globalisation and local identity in the Christian names of grade 5–8 pupils at three research points in the Abaúj micro-region: Baktakék, Forró and Krasznokvajda. On the other hand, it presents a special Hungarian lesson organised in the primary schools of the settlements entitled Your destiny is in your name, in order to support education based on local values, to promote knowledge on onomastics, and to raise awareness of names as tools expressing ethnic and religious identity. The first part of the study explains the choice of the title Your destiny is in your name, while the second part summarises the objectives of the Creative Region Projects, which provide the framework for the lessons; it then presents the ethnic and religious diversity of the selected settlements. According to census data, these settlements have a dual identity rate of 3739%, making the support of local identity through education a key objective. The third part analyses the Christian names of 121 pupils, followed by the fourth part, which presents the special lessons. Finally, the study concludes that the pupils’ Christian names mainly reflect globalisation trends instead of viewing their names as a way of expressing local identity. National and international celebrities have a strong influence on the choice of names, especially in this region, where rare, special names offer uniqueness against the uncertainty of social prominence. The lessons also pointed out that pupils generally associate the origin of a name with the background of its ‘iconic’ name-bearer which further directs the name stock in the direction of choosing international names, as these name-bearers represent high prestige. Among the names of foreign origin conveyed by the media, there are also names preferred by the community’s religious affiliation (e.g., Anastasia, Helena), but the modern name-bearers do not see them as expressions of religious identity. The use of Hungarian names is not only an expression of the sense of Hungarian identity either, since some of these names are hereditary in the families, while others are also common or popular names. The development of religious identity is hindered by the fact that the churches of the small settlements lack permanent service, and the schools in the study are maintained by the school district authorities, thus the names conveyed by the liturgy are becoming increasingly distant from the pupils. The experience from the special lessons indicates that pupils were unable to identify names preferred by religious affiliation. Due to their openness to unique names or a commitment to tradition, the pupils would be willing to reintroduce names that express local identity especially if those names belonged to historically significant figures with high prestige.

Author Biography

Judit Kecskés, University of Miskolc

PhD. University of Miskolc, Institute of Hungarian Language and Literature, associate professor.


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