The mental-psychonetic complex as an integral conceptual model
conceptual model, frame, scheme, prototype, gestalt, psychonetics, mental-psychonetic complex, cognitive onomasiologyAbstract
The article focuses on the problems of conceptual modelling, which during the last decades was used in cognitive linguistics on the basis of the frame model (a cognitive model that structures mental spaces), linguistic networks, schemes, prototypes and gestalts. In the field of cognitive onomasiology, the Ukrainian researcher Olena Selivanova proposed a new type of conceptual model. It is known as a mental-psychonetic complex (MPC) or, in other words, a multi-substrate unit of knowledge that describes the motivational basis of the internal programming of verbal signs. The model of the mental-psychonetic complex was tested by school representatives on the material of nominative classes of various languages, as well as in the analysis of the nominative and cognitive nature of phraseological units of the Ukrainian language and poetic syntax. Conceptual analysis of signs of various types using the mental-psychonetic complex model enabled a new approach to the problem of motivation, development of its new typology, development of non-linear positional schemes of syntactic structures of a non-propositional (metaphorical) nature. The term “psychonetics” was first used by Japanese futurists to describe a post-information society in which efficient data processing operations are valued more than data accumulation. A psychonetic approach to modelling concepts involves a broader view of the problems of cognition and manipulation of concepts. The model covers the interaction of conscious and unconscious mental processes. MPC aims to represent the concept as a dynamic structure consisting of multiple overlapping and interacting layers and planes. Different aspects of consciousness, such as intelligence, emotions, perception, memory and other cognitive functions are combined into a complex that determines the specifics of human behaviour and thinking. The model takes into account that the course of mental processes is influenced not only by individual experience, but also by universal symbols and archetypes that exist in the collective unconscious, which is shared by all people. Thanks to the integration of various aspects of mental activity, individuals develop a higher degree of self-awareness, which significantly increases the efficiency of cognitive data processing.
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