Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The article has not been previously published or submitted for review to another journal (or this must be explained in the notes to the editor).
- The file to be submitted is a Microsoft Word format document.
- Web references in the text are accompanied by full, correct URLs.
- All illustrations, graphs and tables are placed in accordance with the content, directly in the text (not at the end of the document).
- The text meets the requirements for style and bibliography.
Author Guidelines
Formal requirements of articles
For publication in the scientific journal Acta Academiae Beregsasiesnis, Philologica, please send the following materials to the email
- Article compiled in accordance with the specified requirements.
- The completed version of the author data sheet.
The journal’s editorial board will inform the author within 3 working days of receiving the article. The editorial board carries out the internal review of the article and decides whether the article corresponds to the journal’s topic. The editorial board reserves the right to reject any article that does not meet the established requirements or the journal’s theme. If the submitted article is rejected, the editorial board will give the author a reasoned explanation. In case of a positive decision, the editorial board sends the article to two independent experts for anonymous review. The reviewers receive the manuscript with the anonymity of the author (s) - this is the so-called „double blind review”. After completing the evaluation, the reviewers send their opinions to the journal’s editorial board. The editorial board sends the opinions (ensuring the anonymity of the reviewers) to the author so that he can revise his work in accordance with the comments and suggestions of the reviewers. If none of the independent reviewers recommends publication of the article, the author will be informed of the rejection. If one reviewer does not recommend the article for publication, the editorial board sends the article to another independent reviewer. After the edited article is resubmitted by the author in accordance with the reviewers’ instructions, the text is checked for plagiarism using the UNICHECK software, and the authors receive confirmation by e-mail that the article has been accepted for publication. (If plagiarism is found, the author will be notified of the rejection of the article). The editorial board registers the articles and assigns them a DOI identifier.
Rules for formatting articles
The journal Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis, Philologica publishes original papers (not previously published elsewhere) in the field of philology: linguistics and literary studies. We welcome manuscripts intended for publication electronically, in .doc or .docx and .pdf format to the email address Our scientific journal publishes studies, shorter publications and reviews in Ukrainian, English and Hungarian. Articles intended for our journal are evaluated by external reviewers. Manuscripts must contain the following information in Ukrainian, English and Hungarian for all three sections: Name, academic degree and title. Workplace, position. Email address, ORCID ID. The default font for articles is Sitka Display. If the manuscript contains unique characters other than the Sitka Display font, please include the character set when submitting. The length of manuscripts intended for the section Studies is min. 10,000, max. 80,000 characters including spaces, footnotes, abstracts and bibliography. The manuscript must be accompanied by a summary in Ukrainian and English, as well as 5-8 keywords. The abstract must be at least 1800-1900 characters without spaces. The length of the writings intended for the section Reviews, including spaces, is at least 3,000 and at most 30,000 characters.
Sample file
For editing the manuscripts, a sample file is available for download from our website. By following the instructions in the sample file, the created text, illustrations and tables retain the form created by the author even after the technical editing and layout. By following the structure of the sample document and the guide containing all the necessary information, you can prepare a manuscript that meets the requirements of our journal. The styles recorded in the document show what font size and line spacing are used, for example, in the title or sections. By choosing the right style, the author does not have to worry about font size, alignment, etc. because, the document applies them according to the settings. Style names appear in parentheses in the sample file, for example in red: [SPh-chapter title], [SPh-first paragraph], and so on. All style designations begin with the abbreviation SPh. Further useful advice can be found in the text marked in blue. The text of the header and footer as well as the DOI and UDK (УДК) identifiers are updated by the editors. Please do not change page margins, font size or use styles other than ours! We recommend that if you download the sample file, you rename it and start writing in the renamed document.
Please use Italics to highlight linguistic or other information. It is recommended that you set the paragraph style first and then make the selection, as the style applied later may overwrite previous selections.
References, notes
Please include your references in parentheses. The reference includes the author’s last name, the year of publication, the page number and the abbreviation of the word „page”: (Ivanov, 2020, p. 20). For more than three authors, use et al. abbreviation. Use a capital hyphen for page numbers or when specifying the last names of two authors. If you refer to several items from the same year by the same author, complete the year with lowercase letters (2020a, 2020b).
Please refer to the websites mentioned in the text only in (URL1) (URL2) form. Please enter the full URL of the abbreviation in the bibliography. Use footnotes only when absolutely necessary. Do not use endnotes!
Tables and illustrations
Please name the tables, illustrations and photographs. In the main text, tables and illustrations should always be referred to by their number. When editing the table, as well as when inserting illustrations and photos, take into account the size of the letter page we have created. Send the photos in good quality (min. 300 dpi), in .jpg format, numbered, and as a separate file. The illustrations are provided in an editable format, and the data is attached in an Excel file. Always name the source of the tables and illustrations, if it is your own editing, indicate it as well.
All references in the study must be published with continuous numbering, in alphabetical order of the full names of the authors, in ascending chronological order. Cyrillic items must be listed first, followed by Latin items. If the cited literature has free online access or a DOI, include the link or identifier. Internet references in the literature must be listed at the end, not alphabetically, but in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Keeping the order of the Bibliography, the Latin references of items in Cyrillic letters and the English translation of the listed titles should be given immediately after the given item. For the transcription of Ukrainian texts, we recommend the following page:; and for transliteration of Russian texts:
Please type the titles of monographs, edited volumes and journals in Italics. Please use the formats shown in the examples below.
Масенко Лариса 1999. Мова і політика. Київ: Соняшник.
Masenko, Larysa 1999. Mova i polityka [Language and Politics]. Kyyiv: Sonyashnyk (In Ukrainian).
Csernicskó István 2013. Államok, nyelvek, államnyelvek. Nyelvpolitika a mai Kárpátalja területén (1867–2010). Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
Csernicskó István 2013. Államok, nyelvek, államnyelvek. Nyelvpolitika a mai Kárpátalja területén (1867–2010) [States, languages, state languages: language policy in the territory of the present-day Subcarpathia]. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó. (In Hungarian).
Multiauthored publications
Залізняк Ганна – Масенко Лариса 2001. Мовна ситуація Києва: день сьогоднішній та прийдешній. Київ: Виданичий дім „КМ Академія”.
Zaliznyak, Hanna – Masenko, Larysa 2001. Movna sytuatsiia Kyieva: den sohodnishnii ta pryideshnii [Language situation in Kyiv: the present day and the future]. Kyiv: KM Akademiia (In Ukrainian).
Beregszászi Anikó – Csernicskó István – Orosz Ildikó 2001. Nyelv, oktatás, politika. Beregszász: Kárpátaljai Magyar Tanárképző Főiskola.
Beregszászi, Anikó –Csernicskó, István – Orosz, Ildikó 2001. Nyelv, oktatás, politika [Language, Education, and Policy]. Beregszász: Kárpátaljai Magyar Tanárképző Főiskola (In Hungarian).
Edited volumes
Майборода Олександр – Шульга Микола – Горбатенко Володимир – Ажнюк Борис – Нагорна Ларисаm – Шаповал Юрій – Котигоренко Віктор – Панчук Май – Перевезій Віталій ред. 2008. Мовна ситуація в Україні: між конфліктом і консенсусом. Київ: Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України.
Mayboroda, Oleksandr – Shulha, Mykola –Horbatenko, Volodymyr –Azhnyuk, Borys – Nahorna, Larysa – Shapoval, Yurij– Kotyhorenko, Viktor – Panchuk, Maj– Perevezij, Vitalij red. 2008. Movna sytuatsiya v Ukrayini: mizh konfliktom i konsensusom [Language situation in Ukraine: between conflict and consensus]. Kyyiv: IPiEND im. I. F. Kurasa NAN Ukrayiny (In Ukrainian).
Kiss Jenő – Pusztai Ferenc szerk. 2018. A magyar nyelvtörténet kézikönyve. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó.
Kiss, Jenő – Pusztai, Ferenc szerk. 2018. A magyar nyelvtörténet kézikönyve [Handbook of Hungarian Language History]. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó (In Hungarian).
Spolsky, Bernard ed. 2012. The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
In the case of periodicals, the year, number and volume must be indicated according to the name of the periodical itself.
Бестерс-Дільґер Юліане 2012. Сучасна мовна політика України та її оцінка європейськими установами. Мова і суспільство 3, с. 170–179. DOI:
Besters-Dilger, Juliane 2012. Suchasna movna polityka Ukrainy ta yii otsinka yevropeiskymy ustanovamy [Modern Language Policy of Ukraine and its Assessment by European Institutions]. Mova i suspilʹstvo [Language and society] 3. s. 170–179. DOI: (In Ukrainian).
Kontra Miklós 2018. A 90 éves William Labov, a társadalmilag reális nyelvészet megalkotója. Magyar Nyelv 114/1: 1–22. o.
Kontra, Miklós 2018. A 90 éves William Labov, a társadalmilag reális nyelvészet megalkotója [William Labov at 90: Creating a socially realistic linguistics]. Magyar Nyelv [Hungarian Language] 114/1: 1–22. o. (In Hungarian).
Laihonen, Petteri 2016. Beware of the dog! Private linguistic landscapes in two ‘Hungarian’ villages in South-West Slovakia. Language Policy 15/4: pp. 373–391. DOI:
Book chapters
Заремба Олександр – Римаренко Сергій 2008. Роль зовнішніх чинників у політизації мовних проблем. В: Майборода Олександр та ін. ред. Мовна ситуація в Україні: між конфліктом і консенсусом. Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, с. 258–280.
Zaremba, Oleksandr – Rymarenko, Serhiy 2008. Rol zovnishnikh chynnykiv u polityzatsii movnykh problem [The role of external factors in the politicization of language problems]. In: Mayboroda, Oleksandr ta in. red. Movna sytuatsiya v Ukrayini: mizh konfliktom i konsensusom [Language situation in Ukraine: between conflict and consensus]. Kyyiv: IPiEND im. I. F. Kurasa NAN Ukrayiny, s. 258–280 (In Ukrainian).
Csernicskó István – Melnyik Szvitlana 2010. A nyelvpolitika fogalma. In: Fedinec Csilla és Mikola Vehes főszerk. Kárpátalja 1919–2009: történelem, politika, kultúra. Budapest: Argumentum–MTA Etnikai-nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézete. 553–562. o.
Csernicskó, István – Melnyik, Szvitlana 2010. A nyelvpolitika fogalma [The Concept of Language Policy]. In: Fedinec Csilla és Mikola Vehes főszerk. Kárpátalja 1919–2009: történelem, politika, kultúra [Transcarpathia, 1919–2009: History, Policy, and Culture]. Budapest: Argumentum–MTA Etnikai-nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézete 553–562. o. (In Hungarian).
Articles (in print)
Гандзій Олександр 2019. Почав діяти новий правопис. Газета по-українськи № 42 (2206), 04 червня 2019, с. 2.
Handzii, Oleksandr 2019. Pochav diiaty novyi pravopys [A new spelling came into effect]. Hazeta po-ukrainsky [Newspaper in Ukrainian] № 2206, 04 chervnia 2019, s. 2 (In Ukrainian).
Lajos Mihály 2021. Névdivat-alakulás Kárpátalján. A Katalinoktól és Istvánoktól a Vannesszákig és Patrikokig. Kárpátalja 1046. szám, 2021. február 25., 10. o.
Lajos Mihály 2021. Névdivat-alakulás Kárpátalján. A Katalinoktól és Istvánoktól a Vannesszákig és Patrikokig [Name fashion development in Transcarpathia. From Katalins and Istváns to Vannesszas and Patriks]. Kárpátalja [Transcarpathia] 1046. szám, 2021. február 25., 10. o. (In Hungarian).
Online articles
If the name of the author of the online article is unknown, please follow the rules for Internet links!
Тарканій Ганна 2011. Закарпатська відповідь українському „мовному питанню”. Закарпаття онлайн 25 березня 2011. (Accessed: 01-21-2021).
Tarkanii, Hanna 2011. Zakarpatska vidpovid ukrainskomu „movnomu pytanniu”[ Transcarpathian answer to the Ukrainian “language issue”]. Zakarpattia onlain [Transcarpathia Online] 25 bereznia 2011. (Accessed: 01-03-2021) (In Ukrainian).
Márku Anita 2020. Édes-bús nosztalgia kárpátaljai Élőnyelvi Konferenciák jubileumain. Hodinka Antal Nyelvészeti Kutatóközpont 2020. szeptember 28. (Accessed: 12-05-2021).
Márku, Anita 2020. Édes-bús nosztalgia kárpátaljai Élőnyelvi Konferenciák jubileumain [Bittersweet Nostalgia on the Jubilee of the Hungarian Sociolinguistics Conferences in Transcarpathia]. Hodinka Antal Nyelvészeti Kutatóközpont [Antal Hodinka Linguistics Research Center] 2020. szeptember 28. (Accessed: 31-12-2021) (In Hungarian).
Internet links
URL1: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal. (Accessed: 31-12-2021).
URL1: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal. Népszámlálási digitális adattár [Hungarian Central Statistic Office]. (Accessed: 31-12-2021).
URL2: Закон України «Про забезпечення функціонування української мови як державної». (Accessed: 31-12-2021).
URL2: Zakon Ukrainy «Pro zabezpechennia funktsionuvannia ukrainskoi movy yak derzhavnoi» [Law of Ukraine “On Supporting the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language”]. (Accessed: 1 March 2021).
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