Frontier as a diverging factor referring to the language of Székelys in the settlements by Lower Danube
Székelys of Bukovina, Székelys of the Lower Danube, Hungarians in Vojvodina, bilingualism, factors that influence the languageAbstract
In 1883 South Banat belonged in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, within this it belonged in the historical Hungary. In that year more than 3000 Székelys of Bukovina were settled there, then Székelykeve, Sándoregyháza and Hertelendyfalva settlements came into being by the Lower Danube. (Ancestors of Székelys of Bukovina were those refugees who escaped into Moldva after the hecatomb of Madéfalva, then they went to Bukovina and lived there in 5 villages: Istensegíts, Fogadjisten, Hadikfalva, Józseffalva, Andrásfalva.) In 1918 the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was formed from the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, and after the Treaty of Trianon Székelys of the Lower Danube became the citizens of a new state. Past other historical events these days this territory belongs to Republic of Serbia. Originally in Sándoregyháza (Ivanovo) besides the Székelys also Germans and Bulgarians lived, in Székelykeve (Skorenovac) Székelys, other Hungarians from several settlements, Germans and Bulgarians, and in Hertelendyfalva (Vojlovica, today it is part of Pančevo city) Székelys, Germans and Slovakians lived. However, after the Second World War these Germans were relocated. Starting from the 1960s some residents of these settlements left the country (they moved mainly to Western Europe, but Australia too), moreover also the vicinal cities offered workplaces and a new home for them. This paper deals with the data related to the language of Székelys of these settlements by Lower Danube. First base of this examination is the separation after Treaty of Trianon, it has caused several language changes. In Hertelendyfalva Olga Penavin and her team mates started to collect dialectal and other linguistic data already in the 1950s, then they published some papers about the other two settlements too. From their papers of the 1970s and 1980s we know not only about the influence of the more prestigious version of Hungarian, but also the influence of the state language. We can set this Hungarian language originated from Bukovina against the language of the other Székely groups. So we can speak about the frontier as a diverging factor in connection with the language of their groups of Romania and of Hungary too. In these days language of Hungarians living in minority is primarily influenced by the given state language, so the language of Hungarians of Romania and Serbia too. In this paper I examine the linguistic data referring to the three settlements of Lower Danube. These data present the influence of the state language and differ from the language of other groups of Székelys of Bukovina.
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